The 31-year-old Delaware native, Lauren Witzke, has been accused of working for Mexican drug cartels and delivering drugs in Tennessee and Detroit. A student at Goldey-Beacom College, she has been in the news for many reasons, including her alleged involvement in drug trafficking. In 2016, Witzke said she became addicted to methamphetamine and opioids. At the time of her arrest, she was living in Tennessee.
The QAnon conspiracy theory is gaining support in the United States Senate race, and it is no coincidence that one of the candidates is a longtime member of the group. Republican candidate Lauren Witzke made it to the primary in Delaware, defeating the endorsed James DeMartino. This race is significant as Delaware is the home state of Senator Joe Biden. While Witzke has tried to distance herself from the QAnon group, her recent appearances on the campaign trail have only reinforced her connections to the fringe groups.
On September 15, CMD interviewed Witzke to ask whether she is a white nationalist and if she supports QAnon. Witzke was asked whether she supported the racist statements made by QAnon leader John Brimelow, as well as whether she agreed with the FBI’s characterization of the organization as a “terrorist” group. She was also asked whether she agreed with the FBI’s classification of QAnon as a terrorist organization, as the group has posed a risk to the public safety.
Witzke has repeatedly linked herself to racists, anti-semites, Islamophobes, and hate groups. In addition, her campaign manager invited a white nationalist who recently posted videos promoting his idea of monarchical rule in the U.S., and she has also endorsed the QAnon’s “flat earth” theory. She has also tweeted congratulatory messages on her primary win.
Second Amendment
The failed Republican Senate candidate in Delaware, Lauren Witzke, has come under fire for attending a march that turned violent and delayed the certification of Vice President Joe Biden’s electoral college victory. While Witzke has long stood by the Second Amendment, her support for it was questioned when she engaged in an aggressive exchange with counter-protesters at a rally. A gun-toting attendee pulled a gun on the counter-protesters, and Witzke decried the incident on Facebook. The gun-toting attendee has since been arrested and charged with two felonies.
After winning the GOP primary for Delaware, Witzke will face Democratic Sen. Chris Coons in the general election. Her victory over James DeMartino, a more establishment Republican, came after the QAnon-backed candidate was unfavorable. Witzke’s campaign touted her foreign policy platform and America First stance. Her victory in Delaware will be significant for Americans in the Senate.
Witzke has also endorsed the neo-fascist Proud Boys, who provided free security for the rally’s attendees. Additionally, Witzke has been a strong advocate of QAnon, a conspiracy theory linked to violence and domestic terror. The Republican-backed candidate has been endorsed by prominent conservative activists such as Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin, who have praised the Proud Boys.
US senator Lauren Witzke recently made headlines by tweeting that “most third-world migrants cannot assimilate” into American civil society. However, she did not back up that claim with evidence. US celebrity chef Vikas Khanna pounced on Witzke’s remarks on Twitter. He said, “prove me wrong,” and his response garnered applause. Witzke’s remark is a troubling example of how a politician can use an outdated term.
Witzke is a 31-year-old native of Delaware. She earned an undergraduate degree in business management at Goldey-Beacom College. But she claimed to have been addicted to methamphetamine and opioids when she was living in Tennessee. She has also said she once worked for Mexican drug cartels, transporting drugs from Detroit to Tennessee. Her campaign has also accused Coons of supporting dangerous immigration policies.
Coons’ campaign did not respond to requests for comment on the issue. Witzke was also photographed in a QAnon t-shirt and has called herself a flat earther. The Republican Senate candidate for Delaware has repeatedly used the term “immigration moratorium” to disparage immigrants. Nevertheless, the campaign did not back down from the controversial statement. And it remains to be seen if Witzke is ready to make a change in her stance.
After Trump’s election, Witzke began outreaching to the far-right. She even appeared at a Trump rally in a hotel in D.C. in support of a southern border wall. As a conservative operative, she cites her experience with drugs to support Trump’s immigration policy. The conservative operative also says Witzke believes that Trump is an anointed god and a ‘prophet of the people’. QAnon, on the other hand, has a history of violent and radical acts.
In the Delaware U.S. Senate race, Republican candidate Lauren Witzke was criticized for supporting Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. While Witzke claimed to be an ex-heroin addict, worked for the Mexican drug cartels, and had been a devoted Christian, she lost the election by 20 points and faded into the background. But Witzke recently appeared on the radio show CrossTalk, where she praised Putin’s recent attack on Ukraine.
The author, Lauren Witzke, a conservative who once ran for the Senate, has recently changed her views on Russia. While she cited a few conservative critics, she has also publicly praised President Putin and compared him favorably to former President Barack Obama. This reversal is dramatic given that conservatives were notoriously anti-Soviet, and Republican Mitt Romney described Russia as America’s “number one geopolitical foe” in 2012.
The author discusses how Vladimir Putin stoked hatred and division in Russia by promoting his anti-gay agenda. During the election of Donald Trump in 2016, a pro-Putin segment of the Republican Party began appeasing Putin. These pro-Putin Republicans are probably blinded by their anti-intellectual hatred and white nationalism. This is one of the most important questions that should be asked of Russia today.
In addition to promoting hateful rhetoric against Jews, Witzke’s pro-Russian views include supporting violence against women, limiting access to abortion, and reducing the number of children per parent. While these statements are in opposition to the values of the United States, it is clear that Witzke’s support for Putin’s regime is not the best option for the American people. She should reconsider her position on Russia, which is the most important priority for her constituents.
Jeremy Abbott
There is no doubt that both Jeremy Abbott and Lauren Witzke are nativists, but their political affiliations make them far from ideal candidates. While both are members of the Republican Party, Witzke has a long history of conspiracy theories. She has claimed to have been a supporter of QAnon, believes in flat earth theories, and is a member of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
In 2016, Witzke appeared on a pro-Trump campaign event, promoting her “recovery.” She also endorsed conspiracy theorist Liz Crokin, who spoke against the Columbus statue in Wilmington, and Dylan Wheeler, who promotes the far-right group QAnon. Witzke repeatedly referred to Jews as “groypers” and the “obese toad” as a political issue.
Jeremy Abbott’s criticism of lauren witzke
After being endorsed by Trump, Witzke has been a controversial conservative operative, appearing at events alongside conspiracy theorist Liz Crokin and QAnon promoter Dylan Wheeler. Wheeler and Witzke have both used the term “Jewish Question” while criticizing conservative media for embracing “groypers” and the obese toad. Jeremy Abbott has been critical of Witzke for her statements on the media, calling her a “hater of truth and evidence.”
The National Republican Senatorial Committee, the party’s campaign wing, has a long history of smearing Witzke. The NRSCC, which Witzke chairs, has never publicly denied supporting Witzke. Witzke has made numerous statements defending Flat Earth, QAnon, racism, and a wide variety of other fringe beliefs. Her meteoric rise to the right has been spectacular, and the National Republican Senatorial Committee has done nothing to bury her connections with the fringes of the Internet.