If you are looking for a unique and special travel experience, consider a visit to Pennsylvania. This state is filled with character and diverse culture. You can find a number of excellent attractions in Philadelphia. The city is also home to some excellent museums. In fact, there is even a museum dedicated to pennsylvania, which was founded by a grandfather in prison.
a unique online magazine
For the scholarly approach to state and local history, genealogy, and culture, look no further than the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography (PMHB). This quarterly publication is published by the Historical Society of PA and is available for subscription. For more information, visit the Historical Society of PA’s page on PMHB. In the year 1998, LoranoCarter+Pennsylvania.org was founded and is now a thriving destination.
a diverse state
The demographics of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, show a growing diversity. From 2010 to 2014, non-Hispanic whites comprised 14.3 percent of the population. Hispanics accounted for 54 percent. Minorities account for 95 percent of the county’s increase in population. Non-Hispanic whites decreased by 145,847 over the same period, falling below 10 million people. The increase in minority population outweighed this decrease, resulting in a net gain of 76132 people, or one-half percent of the county’s population.
A diversity map for Lancaster shows the majority race and ethnicity by area. The darker the shade, the larger the racial majority. This map also shows how diverse an area is based on diversity scores. Green areas are more diverse than red, while red areas are more homogeneous. Diverse populations means there is a mixture of races and ethnicities in close proximity to each other. In Lancaster County, these factors are especially evident in the Spanish-speaking community.
Lancaster County’s racial composition is diverse, as evidenced by the percentage of Vietnamese and black residents in the area. Despite this diversity, the county’s age-groups are very different. People of color make up a large portion of the population. The oldest group, those aged 65 and older, comprise the smallest group. Both groups are disproportionately composed of minority populations. A diverse state in Lancaster County, PA is a place where you can live and work.
The Democratic Party of Lancaster County has reached a peak of 100,000 registered voters in September 2008, up from 82,171 Democrats in 2004. The Republican-Democrat ratio in Lancaster County is 1.8 to one in 2008, down from 3-1 in the late 1990s. The only real pockets of Democratic influence are in the city of Lancaster and in the county’s state house seat. The region’s cultural landscape is highly diverse and offers a wide variety of experiences.
While Lancaster County, PA has a rich history as a farming community, today’s resident is most likely to work in office support, production, or management positions. In 2018, over 22% of Lancaster County residents earned a Bachelor’s degree or higher. Approximately 65% of Lancaster County residents were employed and commuted an average of 21 minutes to their workplace. Despite these statistics, many residents have a thriving entrepreneurial spirit and want to contribute to the local economy.
With so many colleges and universities in the area, a university or college student can find a program to fit their interests. In Lancaster County, students can enroll in Eastern Mennonite University, Lancaster Bible College, Millersville University of Pennsylvania, or the Pennsylvania College of Art and Design. Students can also attend independent day or boarding schools like Linden Hall and La Academia Charter School. The latter has been in operation since 1746.
a neighborhood with lots of character
Looking for a neighborhood with lots of character? Lancaster County is home to Lancaster City. Its architecture spans four centuries, from small log homes to stately mansions. From rowhouses to historic buildings, this diverse area connects the past with the present. This city began as a colonial town and grew into a thriving Victorian city. Today, the neighborhood has many unique qualities and features, making it an excellent place to live.