Matt Davies Harmony Communities Looks at How to Choose the Right Dog Breed for You


According to Matt Davies Harmony Communities, there are several ways of finding a new dog and there’s no right or wrong route. You may get a pet from a breeder, from a rescue shelter, or adopt the runt of the litter that has been abandoned near your home. Either way, you’ll get unconditional love from them. Let’s check out how you can choose the right dog breed for you. 

The Details

  1. Size of the dog – The size of your home or your living space is very important and should be considered while selecting a dog breed. If you live in a very small studio apartment in the middle of the city, you can’t have a Tibetan Mastiff. The size of your living space decides whether you get a small dog or a large one. 

It’s also important to consider the backyard space or dog parks near your home. Irrespective of the size of the dog, it will require enough open space for running around and exercising. If you live in the suburbs, you need to have a large backyard for a large dog. On the other hand, if you live in the city, have a dog park nearby, and a large home, you can get a large breed. Otherwise, you need to stick to a smaller breed.  

  1. Schedule – You also need to consider your schedule while choosing a breed. Some breeds require a lot of attention while others have no problem being couch potatoes by themselves all day. If you work from home for most of the year, you can get any breed since you can be with them most times. Apart from that, you also need to figure out if you have the time to go on a walk every day with a high-energy and active breed. 
  2. Breed traits – Different breeds have different inherent traits. The American Kennel Club divides dogs into seven primary breed groups, from Terrier to Hound and the Working breed. You need to make sure that you’re able to handle the inherent traits it comes with. For instance, if you are very sensitive to fur and get allergies very quickly, a poodle may be the right fit for you since it’s hypoallergenic. 
  3. History – If you’re getting a dog from a rescue shelter or adopting one from the streets, history doesn’t matter. You’re simply giving a poor animal another chance at life. However, if you’re buying a dog from a breeder, you have the privilege and option of knowing its history. If the dog or its close ancestors have a history of bad behavior, you need to figure out if you’re willing to put in that extra work.    


Matt Davies Harmony Communities suggests that you use the above-mentioned tips to choose a dog breed that’s perfect for you. Make sure it’s the right size, matches your activity level, and is at the life stage that you can handle. Either way, it’s best to not obsess about the breed and focus on giving your new pet a happy environment.

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