The BACME Company aims to diversify the biotech solution landscape through innovative microbial technologies, including the development of Bacterial Cell Factories. The company offers an integrated, scalable pipeline of products and services, as well as an extensive research and development effort to discover new applications for bacteria. Bacmine SL also develops microbial technologies for industrial applications. BACME is the first and only company to focus exclusively on designing Bacterial Cell Factories for industrial applications.
Company profile
Bacmine is a synthetic biology company specializing in the development of metabolically engineered bacteria for industrial applications. The company has a diverse client list, including biotechnology, agriculture, and fine chemicals. Recently, Bacmine formed a strategic alliance with Microbial Robotics, a company that is now known as Open Therapeutics. The company has made some significant strides in solving manufacturing challenges. PIMT substrate specificity assays, for example, have been completed for its metabolically engineered bacteria.
The Company’s mission is to build bacterial factories for industrial use and develop tools to help biotech companies create novel products. Several tools are already in the pipeline to help the company produce the products and chemicals it needs to succeed in the market. Its pipeline includes plug-and-play genetic circuitry for industrial strains that can optimize metabolic pathways and population control during fermentation. Bacmine’s products can be used to create new products, including new antibiotics, antibacterials, and pharmaceuticals.
Bacterial Robotics, a biotechnology company that develops enhanced bacteria and viruses, announces the formation of a strategic alliance with Bacmine SL, a Spanish biotech firm. With Bacmine’s synthetic biology expertise, the firm will rebrand itself as Microbial Robotics. Founded in 2002, Bacterial Robotics will work with Bacmine to develop bacterial biofactories and first-class biologicals.
BacMine develops solutions for bacterial cell factories, bioactive molecules, and whole-cell catalysis. The company has provided solutions in manufacturing, metabolic engineering, design of novel biologicals, and screening large libraries of antibodies-like proteins. As a contract research organization, Bacmine provides consulting and technical services for biotechnology projects. To learn more about how Bacmine can help you, visit its website. Once you know more about Bacmine and its services, you’ll understand why we believe the company is a strong candidate for a collaboration.
In computer science, scalability is the ability of a system to scale up and down as its workload or scope increases. Systems that scale well are able to maintain performance and increase efficiency while handling greater workloads. In the corporate environment, scalability is key for maintaining profit margins as sales volume increases. Businesses that scale well can scale up to meet the growing demands of their business while maintaining the same level of profit margins.