Solomon’s Words for the Wise teaches us the importance of honoring our parents, one of the 10 Commandments. Solomon also teaches that there are consequences for right and wrong deeds. For instance, riches taken in a good way are more beneficial than those gained through evil means.
Fear of the Lord
The word “fear” in the Bible means several things. It can mean terror in a frightening situation, respect in a servant relationship, or reverence in the presence of greatness. The fear of the Lord is a combination of reverence and awe.
The book of Proverbs begins with a proverb describing the importance of fearing the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the foundation of all wisdom. Without it, we are only fools. Fear of the Lord does not mean being afraid of God; rather, it means awe and reverence of God.
Those who fear the Lord will receive many rewards. Wealth, honor, and life are some of the rewards promised by God to those who fear Him. There are also other promises such as protection from death and provision for daily needs. These promises are comforting to those who believe that if they fear the Lord, their life will be easier.
Having a genuine fear of the Lord brings a sense of humility and overwhelming spiritual comfort. The NT also associates fear of the Lord with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. If you don’t have a fear of the Lord, you will be unable to experience the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and you will have little sense of God’s presence.
Solomon knew that God would judge every secret matter. In the same way, Jesus taught us that there is nothing hidden from God that will not be revealed. Paul also told us that we shouldn’t judge anything before its time.
Self-control is an essential characteristic for people who seek God’s will. Without it, a person will have no control over his own spirit, and the world, the flesh, and the devil will rule him. Self-control is one of the fruits of the Spirit. Without it, a person will have neither stability nor defense, nor can he guard his valuables.
Wisdom comes from God, and Solomon possessed it. He was able to discern the difference between food and drink enjoyment and work pleasures. He perceived that he owed his ability to enjoy these things to God. He also wondered whether a two-way relationship could really exist if all decisions that have meaning are dictated by One.
Solomon’s words for the wise encourage us to be discerning and wise, a quality we often take for granted. As a result, we should be more mindful of the words we use. Using harsh words can lead to negative consequences. By using the correct words, we can avoid escalating situations.
In addition to the right use of the tongue, we should avoid being excessively wicked and foolish. God rewards right behavior and punishes wrong behavior, and doing the right thing benefits us personally and in the long run, as it brings glory to us and our nation. On the other hand, doing the wrong thing hurts us and the people around us. Moreover, human minds are prone to deception, so it is important to be guided by God-based wisdom.
Faithfulness to the covenant
Solomon’s complex system of treaties cuts at the heart of Israel’s special position as God’s chosen people. No other nation had entered into a covenant with God or received His Word, sanctuary, or holy priesthood. God, however, had chosen to give Israel these things so that it would be a witness to the world about the true God. Disobedience to the covenant was ultimately what led Israel to fall into a state of decline and defeat.
David warns the young Solomon against straying from the Law of Moses, telling him that he would face spiritual disaster if he did. Without obedience, the nation of Israel would be cursed and cast out of the land. But David also knew that Solomon had divine commands to follow. After all, the Holy Spirit had given instructions to all of Israel’s kings through Moses.
Faithfulness to the covenant was essential for Solomon’s long life. His obedience to the Lord’s commands earned him an extended life, which was measured in decades. It also allowed him to rule over four million people, making him one of a kind. Solomon had a unique judicial insight, but the wisdom of his heart was what paved the way for his long life.
Despite the fact that Solomon was a wise and righteous king, he married many foreign women, not of the covenant. He did so out of personal and political reasons. His wives brought idols and heathen worship to Israel, corrupting the people.
Solomon’s dedicatory prayer provides us with insight into Solomon’s heart and character. Solomon was very close to God when he made the ark of the Lord’s covenant, but his heart was not as close to God as it had been at the time of Solomon’s dedication. After his dedicatory prayer, he addressed his people and urged them to be faithful to the covenant. Unfortunately, the people of Solomon’s day had drifted far from the spiritual level on that day.
Solomon’s words for the wise start with a proverb, “Fear the Lord, and do not be afraid.” This proverb identifies wisdom as a pursuit that starts with the fear of God. The fear of the Lord is the source of all wisdom. But what does it mean to fear God?
As the king of Israel, Solomon possessed great wisdom. Many people regard him as the wisest man who ever lived. Throughout his life, he sought God’s wisdom, and asked Him for many things, including wealth and possessions. He also asked God for justice and righteousness. His words for the wise can help us make wise decisions in our daily lives.
Solomon’s words for the wise are very practical. They offer guidance on how to live life wisely and avoid pitfalls. In addition, they are an excellent resource for people who want to make a difference in their lives. As the wisest man in history, Solomon sought to live in God’s will. His actions, as well as his words, reflected the wisdom contained in his writings. As a result, rulers from other lands sought to learn from Solomon.
Solomon understood the value of wisdom and asked God for it when he became king. He studied many subjects, taught, and judged, and he wrote many books. He even helped build the new temple in Jerusalem. While his life was full of troubles, he was also blessed with an enormous amount of wealth.
A righteous man speaks with discretion and respect for others while a wicked man talks recklessly and destructively. A wise person studies and asks questions before answering. Wisdom is knowing when to answer and when to hold back. Most people think that lying is innocent, flattery is unwarranted goodwill, but Solomon saw how both of these behaviors can bring ruin to people’s lives.
Foolishness will bring shame to the honor of a wise man. Even a small act of foolishness will spoil the reputation of a respected person. Solomon makes this point in 1 Kings 3:3. Solomon asked God to give him wisdom, and God agreed.
Wisdom begins with fear of the Lord. Fools despise wisdom and the fear of the Lord. Wisdom comes from the fear of the Lord, but this does not mean that you should be afraid of him. Instead, fearing the Lord will help you learn wisdom and make wise decisions.
Wisdom is not easy to obtain. In Solomon’s time, few people possessed real wisdom. As a result, the wise ones would be ignored and forgotten. However, Solomon’s experience taught him the importance of humility, repentance, and fear of the Lord. Wisdom cannot be learned without fear of the Lord, and this wisdom is vital in the fight against sin.
Wisdom and knowledge give protection and preserve life. A wise person has more protection than ten rulers in a city. A wise person has a softer countenance and brighter appearance. A wise man would be more likely to hear God’s wisdom than a foolish one. Wisdom is more valuable than a weapon in battle and wisdom is the best protection against harm. However, a single sinner destroys much good.